by Arpit Kumar
07 Jul, 2023
12 minute read
Cheatsheet - Default Ports of popular network / internet protocols and databases

An attempt to collect the default port for the most used server programs as cheatsheet

So many times I have to go to official documentation of network protocols or databases to find out what is the default port for that particular tool. So I created a cheatsheet and listed down default port at a single place.

This is not a comprehensive list but should cover most of the popular ones. I will keep adding more as I keep encountering new tools during my development or learning cycle.

Networking / Internet protocol default port

Service Default Port (UDP/TCP)
DNS (Domain Name System) 53 (UDP/TCP)
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 80 (TCP)
HTTPS (HTTP Secure) 443 (TCP)
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 20 (FTP Data, TCP)
21 (FTP Control, TCP)
SSH (Secure Shell) 22 (TCP)
Telnet (Remote Terminal Protocol) 23 (TCP)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 25 (TCP)
DNS over TLS (DoT) 853 (TCP)
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) 67 (UDP)
DHCPv6 (IPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration) 547 (UDP)
NTP (Network Time Protocol) 123 (UDP)
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 161 (UDP)
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) 3389 (TCP)
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 389 (TCP/UDP)
LDAPS (Secure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 636 (TCP)
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) 1883 (TCP)
Syslog (System Logging Protocol) 514 (UDP)
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 179 (TCP)
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 520 (UDP)
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) 1723 (TCP)
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) 1812 (UDP)
RADIUS Accounting 1813 (UDP)
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) 143 (TCP)
IMAPS (IMAP Secure) 993 (TCP)
POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) 110 (TCP)
POP3S (POP3 Secure) 995 (TCP)
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) 5060 (UDP/TCP)
SIPS (SIP Secure) 5061 (TCP)
RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) 554 (TCP/UDP)
WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) 8080 (TCP)
IPsec NAT-T (IPsec Network Address Translation Traversal) 4500 (UDP)
BitTorrent 6881-6889 (TCP/UDP)

Common Database default ports

Service Default Port (TCP)
MySQL Database Server 3306
PostgreSQL Database Server 5432
Redis (In-memory Data Structure Store) 6379
MongoDB (NoSQL Database) 27017
Cassandra (Apache Cassandra) 9042
ScyllaDB 9042
Couchbase Server 8091
CouchDB 5984
Neo4j 7687
Amazon DynamoDB -
SAP HANA 30015
Elasticsearch 9200
Apache Solr 8983
Apache Hive 10000
Apache HBase 16000
Teradata 1025
MariaDB 3306
Splunk 8089
IBM Db2 50000
Microsoft SQL Server 1433
Oracle Database 1521
Snowflake 443

Please note that while these are the default ports for the respective protocols and databases, actual port configurations may vary depending on the specific setup and configurations of the systems in use. Also rely on the official documentation in case things are not working out for your setup.

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