by Arpit Kumar
06 May, 2023
12 minute read
What and how of Domain Name System (DNS)

If you’ve ever used the internet, chances are you’ve encountered DNS, or the Domain Name System. DNS is the backbone of the internet and is responsible for translating human-friendly domain names like into the IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other

If you’ve ever used the internet, chances are you’ve encountered DNS, or the Domain Name System. DNS is the backbone of the internet and is responsible for translating human-friendly domain names like into the IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into what DNS is, how it works, and why it’s so important.

What is DNS?

At its core, DNS is a system for converting domain names into IP addresses. When you enter a domain name into your web browser, such as, your computer doesn’t know how to connect to that website directly. Instead, it sends a request to a DNS resolver, which is a specialized server that is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. The resolver then looks up the IP address associated with the domain name and returns it to your computer, which can then connect to the website.

How does DNS work?

The DNS system is hierarchical, meaning that there are multiple layers of servers involved in the process of translating domain names into IP addresses. At the top of the hierarchy are the root servers, which are maintained by organizations like ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). These servers maintain a list of all of the top-level domains (TLDs) on the internet, such as .com, .org, and .net.

Below the root servers are the TLD servers, which are responsible for maintaining information about all of the domain names registered within their respective TLDs. For example, the .com TLD server would maintain information about domain names like and

Finally, there are the authoritative name servers, which are responsible for maintaining information about specific domain names. These servers are typically maintained by the companies or organizations that own the domain names.

When you enter a domain name into your web browser, your computer first sends a request to your ISP’s (Internet Service Provider) DNS resolver. If the resolver doesn’t already have the IP address for the requested domain name in its cache, it will send a request to the root servers. The root servers will then direct the resolver to the appropriate TLD server, which will in turn direct the resolver to the appropriate authoritative name server. The authoritative name server will then return the IP address for the requested domain name to the resolver, which will in turn return it to your computer.


Why is DNS so important?

Without DNS, the internet as we know it would not be possible. Instead of being able to access websites by entering easy-to-remember domain names, we would have to remember a long string of numbers (IP addresses) for every website we wanted to visit.

Additionally, DNS enables load balancing and redundancy, meaning that if one server goes down, traffic can be redirected to another server without any interruption in service.

Load balancing is an important function of DNS that distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers to ensure that no single server becomes overwhelmed. This is achieved by using a technique known as DNS load balancing, which distributes traffic across multiple IP addresses associated with the same domain name. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into how load balancing in DNS works.

DNS Load Balancing

There are two main types of DNS load balancing: Round-robin DNS and Dynamic DNS.

Round-robin DNS

Round-robin DNS is the simplest and most common method of load balancing in DNS. It involves configuring multiple IP addresses for a single domain name, and then returning each IP address in a rotating order each time the domain name is queried.

For example, let’s say you have three servers with IP addresses,, and, and you want to distribute incoming traffic across them. To do this, you would configure your DNS server to return all three IP addresses in a rotating order each time the domain name is queried. The first time the domain name is queried, the DNS server would return, the second time it would return, and so on.

While round-robin DNS is a simple and effective way of distributing traffic across multiple servers, it does have some limitations. For example, if one of the servers becomes unavailable, traffic will still be directed to that server until the DNS cache expires and the DNS server returns a new IP address.

Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS is a more advanced form of DNS load balancing that monitors the availability of servers in real-time and directs traffic to the most available server. This is achieved using a monitoring system that regularly checks the availability of each server, and then updates the DNS records accordingly.

To do this, you would configure your DNS server to use a monitoring system that checks the availability of each server at regular intervals. If one of the servers becomes unavailable, the monitoring system would remove the IP address of the unavailable server from the DNS records, and traffic would be directed to the remaining available servers.

Dynamic DNS load balancing is more complex to set up than round-robin DNS, but it provides more robust and reliable load balancing. It also allows for more granular control over traffic distribution, as traffic can be directed to specific servers based on their capacity or location.

Load balancing in DNS is a crucial technique for distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers to ensure that no single server becomes overwhelmed. Round-robin DNS is a simple and effective method of load balancing, while dynamic DNS provides more advanced load balancing capabilities by monitoring server availability in real-time. By understanding how load balancing in DNS works, you can ensure that your network is robust, reliable, and scalable.

How to setup multiple IP addresses for a single DNS domain name

To set up multiple IP addresses for a single DNS domain name, you will need access to the DNS server configuration settings for the domain. Here are the general steps you can follow to set up multiple IP addresses for DNS:

  • Log in to the DNS server: You will need to have access to the DNS server to configure multiple IP addresses for the domain. This can be done through a web-based control panel, command line interface or a specific DNS management tool.
  • Add the IP addresses: Once you have logged in to the DNS server, you will need to add the IP addresses for the domain name you want to configure. This can usually be done through the “A record” section of the DNS server’s control panel or configuration file.
  • Assign priorities: If you are using dynamic DNS load balancing, you will need to assign priorities to each IP address. This will ensure that the DNS server directs traffic to the most available server. You can usually set the priority value for each IP address in the “priority” or “weight” field.
  • Save changes: Once you have added the IP addresses and assigned priorities, save the changes to the DNS server configuration. Your DNS server is now configured to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers using load balancing.

It’s important to note that DNS caching can cause delays in the propagation of changes made to DNS settings. This means that it may take some time for your changes to take effect, depending on the TTL (time-to-live) value set for the domain name. You can usually check the TTL value in the DNS server configuration settings or through a DNS lookup tool.

Vulnerabilities in DNS system

However, like any critical system, DNS is not without its vulnerabilities. There are several other kinds of DNS attacks that can be used to compromise the integrity and availability of DNS systems:

DNS Spoofing or DNS Cache Poisoning

In this type of attack, an attacker sends fake DNS responses to a DNS server that has an open recursive resolver or an unpatched software vulnerability. The attacker’s fake response can be cached by the DNS server and distributed to other clients, leading to incorrect DNS resolution and potential redirection of users to malicious websites.

DNS attack

DNS Amplification

In a DNS amplification attack, an attacker sends DNS queries to a DNS server with a spoofed IP address that belongs to the victim. The DNS server responds to these queries with a larger response than the original query, amplifying the traffic sent to the victim’s IP address.

DNS Tunneling

DNS tunneling involves using DNS queries and responses to send data between two computers, bypassing firewalls and other security measures. Attackers can use this technique to exfiltrate data from a network or to deliver malware to a target system.

DNS Reflection

A DNS reflection attack is similar to a DNS amplification attack, but instead of spoofing the victim’s IP address, the attacker spoofs the IP address of a DNS server. The DNS server then sends a large response to the victim’s IP address, causing a denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

DNS Hijacking

DNS hijacking involves modifying the DNS resolution process to redirect users to a different website or to intercept their traffic. This can be accomplished by compromising the DNS server or by infecting the client’s computer with malware.

To prevent these types of DNS attacks, it is important to implement strong security measures such as DoH and using secure DNS protocols like DNSSEC, keeping software up-to-date with security patches, implementing firewalls, and regularly monitoring DNS traffic for signs of unusual activity.

DNS over HTTPS (DoH)

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a protocol that encrypts DNS queries and responses using HTTPS, which provides an additional layer of security and privacy for DNS communication. DoH works by encapsulating DNS requests and responses inside HTTPS packets, which are then sent over port 443, the same port used for HTTPS web traffic.

DNS over Https
source: wikipedia

DoH provides several benefits, including:

  • Improved privacy: DoH encrypts DNS queries and responses, preventing third parties from eavesdropping on or intercepting DNS traffic.
  • Improved security: DoH prevents DNS cache poisoning and other attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the DNS protocol.
  • Bypasses DNS-based censorship: DoH allows users to bypass DNS-based censorship and access content that may be blocked by ISPs or governments.

However, DoH also has some limitations and potential drawbacks, such as:

  • Increased complexity: DoH requires additional software and infrastructure to be implemented, which can increase the complexity of DNS configuration and management.
  • Reduced visibility: DoH can make it more difficult for network administrators to monitor and analyze DNS traffic.
  • Reduced caching efficiency: DoH can reduce the efficiency of DNS caching, as the encrypted packets cannot be cached by intermediary servers.

In general DNS is implemented on top of UDP protocol but DNS over HTTPS (DoH) typically does not use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is the protocol traditionally used by DNS to send and receive DNS queries and responses.

Instead, DoH encapsulates DNS queries and responses inside HTTPS packets, which are then sent over TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or HTTPS (HTTP over SSL/TLS) connections. This allows DoH to leverage the encryption and authentication mechanisms provided by HTTPS to secure DNS communication.

While TCP is typically used for DoH, some implementations may also use UDP as a fallback mechanism if TCP is not available. This is because some networks may block TCP traffic or prioritize UDP traffic over TCP. In these cases, DoH can be configured to use UDP as a fallback option.

DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions)

It’s also worth noting that while DoH can provide additional security and privacy for DNS communication, it is not a replacement for DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions), which provides cryptographic authentication for DNS queries and responses.

DNSSEC can help prevent DNS cache poisoning and other attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the DNS protocol, and should be used in conjunction with DoH for maximum security and protection.

DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) is a security protocol that provides cryptographic authentication and integrity protection for DNS (Domain Name System) communication. DNSSEC prevents DNS cache poisoning by adding digital signatures to DNS records, which allow clients to verify the authenticity and integrity of DNS responses.

DNSSEC works by adding digital signatures to DNS records using public-key cryptography. DNSSEC uses a hierarchical system of trust anchors, where a set of trusted public keys is distributed across the DNS hierarchy, starting from the root zone. Each domain in the DNS hierarchy can sign its own DNS records using its private key, and clients can verify the authenticity and integrity of these records using the public key provided in the corresponding DNSKEY record.

When a client requests a DNS record from a DNS server, the server provides both the DNS record and the corresponding DNSKEY record, which contains the public key used to sign the DNS record. The client can then verify the authenticity and integrity of the DNS record by verifying the digital signature using the public key.

If the DNS record fails the verification process, the client knows that the record has been tampered with and can discard it. This prevents the client from being redirected to a malicious website or receiving false information.


If an attacker signs a DNS record with their own private key and the DNSSEC client returns their public key, then the digital signature will indeed match, and the client will consider the DNS record to be authentic. This is known as a “forged signature attack” or “DNSSEC signature spoofing.”

To prevent this type of attack, DNSSEC uses a hierarchical system of trust anchors, where a set of trusted public keys is distributed across the DNS hierarchy, starting from the root zone. Each domain in the DNS hierarchy can sign its own DNS records using its private key, and clients can verify the authenticity and integrity of these records using the public key provided in the corresponding DNSKEY record.

The trust anchors are the top-level DNSSEC keys that are pre-configured in the client’s resolver. These keys are typically distributed via out-of-band channels, such as secure firmware updates or secure network channels, and are trusted to be authentic. When a client receives a DNS response, it checks to see if the response was signed by a key that can be traced back to one of the trust anchors. If the response was not signed by a key that can be traced back to a trust anchor, the response is considered invalid and discarded.

By using trust anchors, DNSSEC provides a secure mechanism for verifying the authenticity and integrity of DNS records and preventing forged signature attacks. However, it is important to note that trust anchors need to be carefully managed to ensure their authenticity and integrity, as a compromise of a trust anchor can lead to a compromise of the entire DNSSEC infrastructure.

Most modern web browsers have a built-in set of trust anchors for DNSSEC. These trust anchors are pre-configured in the browser and are used to validate DNS responses received over HTTPS connections.

The trust anchors used by web browsers are typically managed by a trusted third-party organization, such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) or the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). These organizations are responsible for maintaining the root zone of the DNS hierarchy and distributing the trust anchors to browser and operating system vendors.

When a web browser receives a DNS response over HTTPS, it first verifies the authenticity of the TLS certificate presented by the server to ensure that the HTTPS connection is secure. The browser then checks the DNSSEC signature on the DNS response using the trust anchors stored in its configuration. If the signature is valid and can be traced back to a trust anchor, the browser considers the DNS response to be authentic and proceeds to display the web page to the user.

In conclusion, DNS is a crucial component of the internet that allows us to easily access websites and services using human-friendly domain names. While it may seem like a simple system on the surface, there is a complex hierarchy of servers and protocols that make it all work. By understanding how DNS works and the potential risks associated with it, we can better appreciate the importance of this essential technology.

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